There’s a lot that can be said about paid blogging. Some people blog as a hobby and others make full time incomes blogging and ghostblogging. If you’re a good writer and find a great subject, you can make money blogging. Even if you just want an online home, you can use your blog as a wee soapbox about something you enjoy or are passionate about and can make some income while you’re at it.
There are paid to blog companies that will pay you to put posts on your blog with a link to their client’s website. Blogging helps companies get search engine rankings which can bring them more traffic so they might be willing to pay from $5 to $25 just for a paragraph.
There are also blogging networks that will give you profit sharing or pay per post to blog for them.
And, you can start your own blog by blogging with Blogger or WordPress and make money that way as well as the best way which is to buy your own domain and create your own blog.
Here are some great resources to help you get started: Free advice about blogging free blogs
Review Me – Write Reviews for Cash!
Blogging To The Bank
Blogsvertise Write blog entries and get paid monthly Join the VIP program and make money per post plus profit sharing
Once you have a blog there are many ways to monetize it through affiliate marketing and through Google Adsense. You can join Adsense and capitalize by earning from your blog or website.
As the owner of many blogs and several that are making me regular money, I can tell you that the best way to ensure you make money blogging is to create multiple ways your blog can earn money. I’ll be writing more on this subject in the future so feel free to subscribe to this blog so you can get money making information delivered to your inbox.